Can you get in touch with your big audacious dream in less than two decades? Two years? Two months? Two days? How about two hours?
I didn’t think it was possible and I was wrong. Recently I attended an Awaken the Dreamer Changing the Dream symposium, at the Red Vic B&B and Peace Center on Haight Street in San Francisco. The event was lead by educator, painter and writer, Laurie Marshall, founder of Unity Through Creativity. Among those present in the audience was artist and founder of the Red Vic, Sami Sunchild, and Betty Kissilove, author of Great Ball of Fire!, a beautiful book about how the Universe came into existence.
We sat in a circle as we watched short videos and were lead through short thought-provoking exercises. The evening was sponsored by the Pachamama Alliance (“PA”).
I left with a feeling blessed unrest.
Go to to find the shortest route to how you can change the course of history!