Photo by Anna Shvets
How has it affected your world?
Lately I’ve been keeping tabs on the ever evolving design of face coverings. I don’t mind wearing one myself, and when I have my sunglasses and a hat on, I feel my introverted self is comforted with the anonymity. Like covering up with a muffler to keep my face warm on a winter day except it’s the first day of autumn with a heat wave of 100 degree temps arriving on the weekend.
Keeping track of designs, I wanted to shout out about three ideas that I would like to see created and available for distribution. The second mask mentioned is available for purchase but the first and third are at different stages of development.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology is working on this iMASC design. “Called the iMASC, which stands for Injection Molded Autoclavable, Scalable, Conformable, this design could help solve shortage issues.” I love how eye coverings are part of the design. This iMASC is still undergoing research and is not yet available to the public. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/21/mit-researchers-designed-reusable-n95-face-mask-for-healthcare-workers.html
Another mask in France is allowing people to see the mouth of the speaker:
My most favorite mask concept right now is the “LEAF – the World’s First FDA-Registered Transparent Face Mask Shows Your Smile While Keeping You Safe.”
I found an article about it.
It doesn’t appear to be available, though, with a wait list for the product when I checked their website at https://www.leaf.healthcare/
Watch an 8 minute Vimeo video about this beautifully designed mask:
Leaf Mask By Alex Lightman from Redcliffe Healthcare on Vimeo.
(I have no affiliation with this company or the creators of this product).
My mask of choice is still the one with the pleats, the surgical mask with the little piece of metal at the top. Costco allowed each household to buy up to five boxes of this style, 50 per box.
The masks I presented aren’t especially easy to find yet and I hope that will change sooner than later.
We can select from an ever-growing number of fashionable masks made of fabric. I prefer those you can stick a filter inside to improve its effectiveness. My preference is to buy a reusable transparent one whenever it becomes available.
This face mask design-a-thon has begun and we may only be at the beginning of it.
It’s promising to see the creative ideas evolving so quickly.