Bloom, Bloom! – watercolor by Mary Gow
Not only that but coming back to watch a team.
Though I’m not normally watching baseball, I couldn’t help but watch the San Francisco Giants clutch the 2012 World Series!
The inspiration from the Giants reminded me of the power of every day implementation. They were on a streak and had a game almost every day within a 20 day time frame. They got better and better, seemingly spurred by such an intense schedule from the playoffs. (I can’t believe I’m writing about baseball).
Something clicked for me. The ‘ah ha’ reminder that creativity is a habit like anything else.
So back to the spirit of The Artist’s Way and Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, I’m posting a painting every day for the next 30 days.
The one above is from using color pencils and watercolors and it’s 5″ x 6″.