It’s been 18 years since the original release of Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way (“TAW”), a Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity and a Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self. Every time I work through this 12 week course good things happen. I’m working on my fifth pass.
Two keystones of The Artist’s Way are the morning pages and the artist’s date. The morning pages are three pages of stream of consciousness writing done daily, upon waking is Cameron’s recommendation. The artist’s date is a exactly that, a date with yourself, where you take yourself out to do something that interests you.
I can’t say what the morning pages discipline will do for you but I can tell you that the first time I went through the book, I decided to propose a course to a local university’s evening extension program and they liked my idea and it was in the next class catalog. I was contacted by the local major newspaper and wrote a feature article for them about my topic, which was how to write love letters.
Here’s Julia Cameron discussing morning pages.