“Real Artists Ship” Quote by Steve Jobs, Drawing by Mary Gow
It wouldn’t hurt if you’re trying to draw out instead of write out what you want.
It was a profession I’ve been researching called “graphic facilitation,” also known as “sketch notes,” and “graphic recording.”
What I find fascinating about graphic facilitation is it’s like visual transcribing. And there’s some places you can learn this skill. Two that come to mind are The Grove Consultants International in San Francisco, and Alphachimp Studio online.
There’s a terrific book called The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures, by Dan Roam. You learn how to scribe meetings with a blend of drawings with words which can engage your audience more than PowerPoint would.
I could go on about graphic facilitation but it was in researching that obsession that I found a highly useful book called “Business Model You,” by Tim Clark.
In a previous post I mentioned Emilie Wapnick (puttylike.com) who coaches people on how to smoosh their many talents into a career path.
I like her idea and there’s one page business plan in Business Model You that can help you map out a way to utilize your talents.
Check out Business Model You’s business plan form. There’s three different versions of the one page plan you can download here.
Happy Smooshing.