“Move Move,” watercolor and color pencil, by Mary Gow

First Drawing Using Aeolian Harp App by Mary Gow
Imagine you’re on a boat that’s near the shore, gliding through tall blades of grass… here’s my second day’s painting.
Checking on Abbey Ryan’s blog I read about the Painting-a-Day “PAD” phenomenon. Apparently if began back in 2007 or earlier and Duane Keiser had a lot to do with the movement.
It impresses me as the visual artist’s equal to writer’s morning pages (a la The Artist’s Way).
So I still write every day but added to it producing at least one painting a day.
For several months I was doing one to three iPhone drawings a day using the apps “Harmonious” and “Aeolian Harp.”
As an aside, for ideas for running your own business, tune into http://www.creativelive.com/live and watch Timothy Ferris, author of the Four Hour Body and Four Hour Work Week, live today and tomorrow!