I recently vowed to stand for a dream – to contribute to creating a thriving, just and sustainable way of life for all – which is part of the vision of the Pachamama Alliance. In just 3 minutes see why we are urgently being called to action these next four years. Are you ready to participate?
Isn’t Creativity a Habit?
Yes says Twyla Tharp in her book, The Creative Habit, Learn It and Use It for Life. It has some fun exercises worth sharing. Especially 33 questions to ask yourself. A few highlights I thought you might enjoy:
1. What is the first creative moment you remember?
11. How do you begin your day?
21. Who is your muse?
22. Define muse.
26. When you work, do you love the process or the result?
32. What is your idea of mastery?
33. What is your greatest dream?
Ready to Take Yourself on a Date?
The two main tools of The Artist’s Way are morning pages and the artist’s date. As author Julia Cameron writes “Your artist needs to be taken out, pampered, and listened to.” Each week for the twelve weeks you commit to taking no one but yourself on this date. Here’s Julia Cameron explaining the process:
4 Reasons I’m a Raving Fan of The Artist’s Way
1. The groove of the morning pages has given me the feeling of a daily discipline that I realize can turn me into a real powerhouse of productivity. The morning pages have shown me that I can stick to something and these small steps can lead to something bigger.
2. I like treasure mapping and this book is full of exercises that require you find the hidden treasures and map them out for yourself. One of my favorites was the rocking chair exercise. Imagine yourself at 80 looking back at you now. What would you like to tell yourself?
3. It is a call to action. More than many other books on creativity, this workbook asks that I DO things.
4. It doesn’t let you off easy. This is twelve weeks of tough love. It’s about being accountable, responsible and committed, like an artist.
Are you ready to share your creative gifts with the world but feeling a little stuck? The Artist’s Way can help you find your way.