“Multi-Resourceful,” illustration by Mary Gow
Do you thrive on variety and diverse systems?
In other words, are you a “diversitarian?”
I heard the term used by Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon, when Charlie Rose interviewed him recently when he asked Bezos how he would identify himself.
Bezos also said brainstorming is his favorite activity! And that he loves being at the white board working out ideas!
I resonated with those two things Bezos revealed about himself and his delight for ideas.
New York Times bestselling author Barbara Sher calls multi-resourceful folk “scanners,” in her highly useful book “Refuse to Choose! A Revolutionary Program for Doing Everything That You Love,” Rodale Books, 2006.
Along those same lines, I found Emilie Wapnick’s site that deals with modern-day Renaissance-types at Puttylike. Wapnick wrote Renaissance Business. She provides lifestyle design for what she terms “multipotentialities” and specializes in “how to smoosh your interests together and set yourself apart.”
Wapnick helps point the way for multipotentialites in a recent post: “Help! I Want to Combine My Interests Into One Business, Where Should I Start?.”
Happy smooshing!